This past week has been very stressful for all of us. After planning our annual vacation and getting the o.k. from Hope’s oncologist that we should not cancel our plans, Hope received a new drug during his chemotherapy called Adriamycin, which made him very sick. This was on Thursday. By Saturday morning, when we were… Read more »
Category: Uncategorized
Hope’s Journey – Week 5
Yesterday Hope’s white count was high enough that he was able to have his chemotherapy for this week. He was given a drug he has not had before called Adriamycin. This is administered by IV and he had to stay with the oncology department most of the day. He was sure happy to see his… Read more »
Hope’s Journey – Week 4
We hit a little bump in the road with Hope’s chemotherapy this week. Bloodwork is always done before the chemotherapy. Yesterday they discovered that he has a condition called Leukopenia, which means that his white blood cells are too low. This is caused from the chemotherapy he has already received. From the reading I’ve done,… Read more »
Hope’s Journey – Week 3
Hope’s chemotherapy treatment this week was a repeat of week 1. He was given a drug called vincristine that requires a short visit to the oncologist for the injection. He seems to tolerate it very well and has shown no side effects. He has only gained a few ounces since last week and during my… Read more »
Hope’s Journey – Week 2
Hope had his second chemotherapy treatment yesterday. His bloodwork is looking good and the swelling in his lymph nodes is gone. He was given Cytoxan and Lasix orally. The Cytoxan can be irritating to the lining of the bladder so the Lasix is given to help flush the bladder. He was a little tired when… Read more »
Hope’s Journey – Week 1
Last week our sweet thirteen year old Border Collie mix, Hope, was diagnosed with lymphoma. It has been a week with a lot of tears, a lot of waiting for lab results but also a week of education. This is the first dog I’ve had that has been diagnosed with lymphoma, so we are now… Read more »
Why Are Our Pets Fat?
I just watched a piece on the local news about obese pets. They talked about cutting back on food, no table scraps and exercise. What they failed to mention was feeding your pet a quality food that does NOT have added sugar and other nasty stuff. As a pet sitter I see a lot of… Read more »
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